Main / War in Ukraine / Polish Prosecutor's Office investigates former German Chancellor Schroeder's involvement in the invasion of Ukraine

Polish Prosecutor's Office investigates former German Chancellor Schroeder's involvement in the invasion of Ukraine

Polish Prosecutor's Office investigates former German Chancellor Schroeder's involvement in the invasion of Ukraine

Schroeder could have used his influence in the Russian energy sector to put pressure on the European Union and Ukraine.

The Polish Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into the role of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This was reported by RMF FM radio station, citing its own sources.

The report states that the National Prosecutor's Office of Poland received a report that Gerhard Schroeder may be involved in a crime and included his identity. Schroeder's case is being investigated by the Mazowiecki Department of the National Prosecutor's Office, which specializes in the fight against organized crime and corruption.

It is reported that the former chancellor could have used his influence in the Russian energy sector to put pressure on the European Union and Ukraine in a fashionable way. Investigators also want to investigate what role the former chancellor played in the invasion.

The publication reports that despite the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Schroeder "did not distance himself from the Kremlin and continued to hold positions in Russian energy companies."

The report also states that Poland has launched an investigation into Schroeder in agreement with the Ukrainian side. So far, almost two thousand witnesses have been interviewed in this case.
Earlier it was reported that former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder caused a wave of criticism after German media published photos of him at a reception at the Russian Embassy on May 9.

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