Main / Politics / European Parliament adopts resolution calling on NATO to formally invite Ukraine to join the Alliance

European Parliament adopts resolution calling on NATO to formally invite Ukraine to join the Alliance

European Parliament adopts resolution calling on NATO to formally invite Ukraine to join the Alliance

MEPs call on NATO allies to fulfill their commitments to Ukraine and pave the way for an invitation to Kyiv to join the defense alliance.

In a resolution adopted on Thursday by 425 votes to 38 with 42 abstentions, MEPs emphasize that they expect the "accession process to start after the end of the war and be completed as soon as possible".

Until full membership is achieved, the EU and its member states, together with NATO allies and like-minded partners, should work closely with Ukraine to develop a temporary framework of security guarantees, MEPs say, which should be implemented immediately after the war. The parliament emphasizes that Ukraine's integration into both NATO and the EU will strengthen regional and global security and strengthen ties between Ukraine and the Euro-Atlantic community.

Destruction of Kakhovka dam is a war crime

MEPs condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia's destruction of the Kakhovka dam on June 6, which constitutes a war crime and has caused major flooding and environmental disaster, as well as ecocide in Ukraine. All perpetrators of war crimes, including the destruction of the dam, will be brought to justice in accordance with international law, they add.

Need for a comprehensive EU recovery package for Ukraine

The Parliament calls for a comprehensive and adequate EU recovery package for Ukraine, which should focus on immediate, medium and long-term assistance, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the country. They look forward to the European Commission's proposed revision of the current Multiannual Financial Framework and the proposed Ukraine Recovery Fund to cover the financing of Ukraine's recovery needs in the coming years.

MEPs emphasize the importance of linking Ukraine's recovery to its EU accession and ongoing internal reforms, while stressing that the restoration of damaged infrastructure and industrial capacity should be in line with the principle of "better than before" and the European Green Deal. This would help to transform the country into a carbon-free and digital modern European welfare state and market economy.

Source: (15.06.2023)

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