Main / Military aid / Hensoldt is to provide six of its TRML-4D radars to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Hensoldt is to provide six of its TRML-4D radars to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Hensoldt is to provide six of its TRML-4D radars to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Germany is developing a plan to produce six more TRML-4D radar systems to be transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This information was published by Hensoldt on its official website.

According to these plans, Hensoldt intends to deliver an additional six TRML-4D radar systems to strengthen the air defense of our country.

In the context of this order, which is worth more than EUR 100 million, the radars are to be shipped to Ukraine in the second half of the year, after Ukrainian operators have received the necessary training.

Hensoldt is already supplying several TRML-4D radars to Ukraine under a contract that also includes the IRIS-T SLM air defense system.

"We are pleased to be able to support Ukraine by providing six more TRML-4D radars, which will help to significantly strengthen Ukraine's air surveillance and air defense system. We are proud to be able to deliver this vital equipment in the shortest possible time," said Hensoldt CEO Thomas Müller.

The TRML-4D radar is based on the advanced Active Electronics Scanned Array radar technology, which uses multiple digital beams.

This equipment is capable of timely detection of various types of airborne targets, such as airplanes, helicopters and cruise missiles. It can quickly detect and track about 1500 targets at a distance of up to 250 km.

TRML-4D is a highly functional radar system capable of responding to current and future threats in the airspace. Its use allows Ukraine to ensure high readiness to respond to possible provocations or aggression.

This step by Germany reflects not only support for Ukraine in its efforts to strengthen national defense, but also the recognition that stability and security in Ukraine are essential for European security.

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