Main / Articles / Google will help you find a song by melody: just sing a familiar melody

Google will help you find a song by melody: just sing a familiar melody

Google will help you find a song by melody: just sing a familiar melody

Have you ever heard a song's melody but can't remember what it's called or who sings it? Or maybe you just want to find a song you like but don't know its name? If so, Google can help you.

With the "Search Song" feature, Google can find a song by simply singing its melody. This feature is available in the Google mobile app and in the web version of Google Search.

How to find a song by tune in the Google mobile app

  1. Open the Google mobile app.
  2. Click on the microphone icon.
  3. Say "What song is this?" or click the "Search Song" button.
  4. Hum the melody for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Google will give you a list of songs that match your humming.

How to find a song by tune in Google's web version of search

  1. Open the web version of Google search.
  2. In the search bar, type "What song is this? ".
  3. Hum the melody for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Google will give you a list of songs that match your humming.

Tips for finding a song by tune effectively

  • Sing the melody as clearly as possible.
  • Sing the melody for enough time for Google to recognize it.
  • If you can't remember the entire melody of the song, try humming a fragment that you remember.

Using the "Search Song"

The "Search Song" feature can be very useful in different situations. For example, you can use it to find a song you like but don't know its name. Or, you can use it to find a song that you hear in a commercial or movie.

Try using the "Search Song" feature on Google and you'll see how easily it can help you find the song you're looking for.

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