Main / World / France plans to expel 39 Russians from the country

France plans to expel 39 Russians from the country

France plans to expel 39 Russians from the country

In France, about 60 Russian citizens are under surveillance on suspicion of radical Islam. 39 of them are to be deported in coordination with the Russian authorities.

This was announced by French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on BFM TV.

— We have compiled a list of 39 Russian citizens whom we are particularly monitoring and suspect of radicalization. Last week we handed this list over to the Russian authorities," the minister said."

Darmanen added that they had been “identified” in Russia, so the French authorities are going to expel them, provided that Moscow issues consular passes.

There are no other Russian citizens under special surveillance at large, “the minister assured. He said that they are either in prisons or in administrative detention centers.

Attack in Arras

According to the French Interior Minister, the authorities decided to take this step after the murder of a teacher in the French town of Arras on October 13. Several other people were also injured then.

According to preliminary information. the attacker was a 20-year-old Chechen, a former student of the educational institution. He is from the Russian republic of Ingushetia and was followed by the French Directorate General of Internal Security. According to eyewitnesses, he shouted Allahu Akbar during the attack. Then, an 18-year-old boy from Chechnya, Abduallah Anzorov, killed high school history teacher Samuel Pati.

On October 22, four teenagers aged 15 and 16, three of whom are natives of Chechnya and Ingushetia, were detained in France. The three detainees were accused of planning an attack on the Israeli Embassy in Belgium. After the attack, they intended to flee to the North Caucasus.

Source: BFM TV

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