Main / War in Ukraine / The air force commented on the downing of three helicopters and two airplanes in Russia

The air force commented on the downing of three helicopters and two airplanes in Russia

The air force commented on the downing of three helicopters and two airplanes in Russia

On May 13, three helicopters were shot down by air defense forces in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation, not two as previously reported.

This was reported by the air force spokesman, Colonel Yuriy Ignat, during a telethon.

According to him, the Russians lost a total of five aircraft in one day.

Ihnat confirmed that two airplanes and three helicopters were destroyed by Russian airmen themselves.

On Saturday, May 13, at approximately the same time, different reports began to appear about the downing of one helicopter, two helicopters, or an airplane.

At first, Russian propagandists said that the helicopter had crashed due to an engine fire, while keeping silent about its downing and explosion before the fire.

Then they admitted that two helicopters and one airplane had been shot down. At the same time, they traditionally blamed "Ukrainian saboteurs" for the incident.

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