Main / World / The US will never again consider Russia as a reliable energy supplier

The US will never again consider Russia as a reliable energy supplier

The US will never again consider Russia as a reliable energy supplier

Russia will never again be considered by the United States as a reliable energy supplier.

This was stated by Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Jeffrey Payette, Reuters reports.

Speaking at an online briefing ahead of the US-Japan Energy Security Dialogue next week, Pyatt also said that the United States and its G7 partners are determined to deprive Russia of any energy revenues.

"It's quite clear to me that Russia will never again be seen as a reliable energy supplier. With respect to our G7 partners in particular, we are also determined to work together to deprive Russia of future energy revenues, and to target in particular investments and projects that increase Russia's future energy revenues," he added.

First sanctions for price ceiling violations

The United States on October 12 imposed the first sanctions against tanker owners who transport Russian oil at a price above the $60 per barrel price cap set by the G7 countries in an attempt to close loopholes in the mechanism.

The price ceiling mechanism allows third countries to buy Russian fuel using Western ship insurance. The price ceiling is set at $60 per barrel of crude oil, $45 per barrel of heavy fuel, and $100 per barrel of light fuel such as gasoline and diesel.

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