Main / News / Toronto Film Festival sets new screening date for controversial propaganda film about Russians at war – photo

Toronto Film Festival sets new screening date for controversial propaganda film about Russians at war – photo

Toronto Film Festival sets new screening date for controversial propaganda film about Russians at war – photo

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has set a new screening date for the controversial film Russians at War by a Russian director after cancelling the first screenings amid a barrage of criticism.

Source: schedule on the festival's website, as reported by European Pravda

Details: The screening of the film Russians at War by Russian director Anastasia Trofimtseva is scheduled for Tuesday, 17 September.


  • Following a barrage of criticism, the festival organising committee cancelled the initial screenings of the film, citing "security concerns". However, they stated that the film would still be shown at a later date "when it is safe to do so".
  • Meanwhile, Toronto police clarified that the TIFF organising committee's decision to cancel the screenings was made independently and "was not based on any recommendations from the Toronto Police". They also stated that they were unaware of any current security threats at the festival.
  • Yuliia Kovaliv, Ukraine's Ambassador to Canada, expressed disappointment that the festival's statement regarding the cancellation did not acknowledge its mistake.
  • The Canadian media organisation TVO (TV Ontario), which had funded the production of the film, decided not to air it in the future following the public outcry.

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