Main / News / Russians drop explosives from drone on bus stop in Kherson, injuring elderly man

Russians drop explosives from drone on bus stop in Kherson, injuring elderly man

Russians drop explosives from drone on bus stop in Kherson, injuring elderly man

Russian troops attacked a public transport stop in Kherson, dropping explosives from a drone while a 65-year-old man was standing there.

Source: Roman Mrochko, Head of Kherson City Military Administration, on Telegram 

Details: The incident took place around 11:00 in the Dniprovskyi district of the city of Kherson.

The wounded man's condition is severe. He sustained a blast injury and numerous shrapnel wounds to both legs.

Doctors are currently fighting for his life.

Background:  On 8 September, six people were injured in the Dniprovskyi district of the city of Kherson when a Russian drone attacked them. Four of them were in a minibus at the time, and two others were on the street.

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