Main / News / Russian drone attack on Kyiv: apartment building damaged

Russian drone attack on Kyiv: apartment building damaged

Russian drone attack on Kyiv: apartment building damaged

All Russian drones that attacked Kyiv on the night of 16-17 October have been successfully destroyed, but an apartment building in the Desnianskyi district of the city of Kyiv has been damaged due to the attack.

Source: Kyiv City Military Administration on Telegram

Quote from the administration’s Head Serhii Popko: "Early reports indicate that an apartment building in the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv was damaged as a result of the Russian drone attack. As of now, windows on three floors of the building have been shattered and the interior rooms have been damaged."

Details: According to Popko, no reports about people being injured have been received. 

He also noted that the attack drones approached Kyiv in waves and from various directions. 

An air-raid warning was issued four times in the capital, being in effect for 3.5 hours in total.


  • On the evening of 16 October, Russian forces launched several groups of attack drones toward Ukraine. An air-raid warning was issued in most oblasts.
  • Air defence responded in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast. 
  • The Russian troops attacked the energy infrastructure in Mykolaiv Oblast on the night of 16-17 October, leaving some customers without electricity.

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