Main / News / Ukraine's Air Force shoots down Russian drones and reports on results of operation on 16 October

Ukraine's Air Force shoots down Russian drones and reports on results of operation on 16 October

Ukraine's Air Force shoots down Russian drones and reports on results of operation on 16 October

The defence forces of Ukraine have shot down 17 more Russian drones since the morning of 16 October. Thus, the total count is now 68 drones destroyed out of 136 launched. 64 others disappeared from radar, two more returned to Russia, and two drones hit their targets.

Source: the Air Force’s press service on social media

Quote: "As of 13:00, no attack UAVs have been spotted in the airspace. Based on updated information, Ukraine’s defence forces have shot down 17 more enemy drones today, and four were lost in the area."

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