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Putin expands conditions under which Russia can use nuclear weapons

Putin expands conditions under which Russia can use nuclear weapons

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin has made changes to Russia's nuclear deterrence doctrine.

Source: Putin's statement at the Security Council meeting; Latvia-based Russian media outlet Meduza 

Details: Putin drew attention to the fact that the "updated version of the document proposes to consider aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, as their joint attack on the Russian Federation".

The Russian leader expanded the "category of states and military alliances to which nuclear deterrence is applied". The document also adds to the list of "military threats to neutralise which nuclear deterrence measures are being implemented".

At the same time, a "critical threat to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation with conventional weapons" will be the basis for a nuclear response. Putin did not specify what a "critical threat" means.

The Kremlin leader said  that a nuclear response will follow if there is "reliable information about the launch of air and space attack capabilities towards Russia". These are "strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft."


  • Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, said in early September 2024 that Russia intends to change its nuclear doctrine based on an analysis of recent conflicts and the West's "escalation course."
  • Earlier, the media reported that Russia had been preparing its navy to strike targets in the depths of Europe with nuclear-tipped missiles in the event of a potential conflict with NATO even before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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