Main / News / Russians drop explosives on Kherson's outskirts, injuring civilian, 18

Russians drop explosives on Kherson's outskirts, injuring civilian, 18

Russians drop explosives on Kherson's outskirts, injuring civilian, 18

On 15 October, Russian UAVs dropped explosives on the outskirts of Kherson, injuring a man aged 18.

Source: Kherson Oblast Military Administration on Telegram

Details: According to the officials, the teenager suffered a blast injury and a shrapnel wound in his leg as a result of the Russian strike on Antonivka.

Earlier, the Kherson Oblast Military Administration reported a Russian UAV attack on a civilian car in the Dniprovskyi district of Kherson. A woman, 76, who was inside the vehicle, sustained a concussion, a blast injury, and closed craniocerebral injury as a result of the explosives' discharge.


  • On 14 October, the Russians hit a car from a drone in the village of Havrylivka in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine’s south, killing two persons and injuring another.
  • Russian forces bombarded the city of Kherson with artillery, leaving two elderly women dead. Another woman aged 42 was diagnosed with blast injuries, contusion and bruised chest. 
  • On 13 October, Russian forces killed a man in Kherson Oblast by dropping explosives from a drone as he was riding a moped.

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