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About 10 Russian attack drones destroyed near Kyiv

About 10 Russian attack drones destroyed near Kyiv

The Russians attacked Ukraine with attack drones on the night of 23-24 October, with about 10 drones spotted near Kyiv, all of which were neutralised.

Source: Serhii Popko, Kyiv City Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Serhii Popko: "An air-raid warning was issued three times in the capital during the night and was in effect for almost six hours in total. Air defence forces and assets detected about a dozen Russian drones in the airspace around Kyiv. All enemy UAVs that threatened the capital were destroyed. There was no information on damage or casualties."

Details: Popko added that as of 07:30, combat operations against the remaining Russian UAVs were underway in Kyiv Oblast, so it is possible that Kyiv could be on air-raid alert again.

Popko said it was the 14th Russian air attack in the area since the beginning of October.

The Russians launched their drones from Kursk Oblast in Russia. The UAVs approached the capital mainly from the north and northeast.


  • On the night of 23-24 October, the Russian forces launched attack drones into Ukraine from the south and north.
  • Air defences were operating in Kyiv and oblast.

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