Main / News / Terrorist attack hits defence company in Ankara: Turkish president says four people dead

Terrorist attack hits defence company in Ankara: Turkish president says four people dead

Terrorist attack hits defence company in Ankara: Turkish president says four people dead

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has reported that four people have been killed in a terrorist attack in Ankara province at the Turkish Aerospace Industries plant, which also produces military equipment.

Source: European Pravda; Turkish news agency Anadolu

Details: Erdoğan notes that 4 people have been killed and 14 injured in the Ankara attack.

"I condemn this abhorrent terrorist attack and pray for God's mercy upon our martyrs," he added.

The targeted facility is the company's headquarters located in Kahramankazan, approximately 28 km from Ankara. The cause and perpetrators behind the explosion and subsequent shooting remain unknown.

Media reports suggest that the attack was carried out by three terrorists. Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya reported that two of them had been killed.

For reference: Turkish Aerospace Industries is a state-owned arms and aerospace technology company situated near Ankara, the Turkish capital. The company manufactures military and civilian aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned systems for the Turkish Armed Forces and various countries globally. It was founded to decrease Türkiye's reliance on imports of military aerospace technology from abroad.

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