Main / News / Germany summons North Korean diplomat over DPRK's involvement in war against Ukraine

Germany summons North Korean diplomat over DPRK's involvement in war against Ukraine

Germany summons North Korean diplomat over DPRK's involvement in war against Ukraine

In response to rumours that DPRK troops were involved in the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine, the German Foreign Ministry called in North Korea's charge d'affaires.

Source: German Foreign Ministry on Twitter (X), as reported by European Pravda 

Details: As the ministry’s department noted, Russia's support from the DPRK "threatens Germany’s security and the European peace order."

Quote: "If the reports about DPRK soldiers in Ukraine are true and the DPRK is supporting Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine with troops, this development would be extremely serious and a violation of international law," the German Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The DPRK Charge d'Affaires was called to the German Foreign Ministry in this regard, they stressed.

Prior to this, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that although there is proof that North Korean forces are in Russia, it is still unclear what they are doing there.

According to the European Commission, if claims of DPRK soldiers being sent to Russia to fight in the war against Ukraine are true, it will be another proof of Russia's lack of interest in peace.

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