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Zelenskyy: What strengthens Israel's defence can work in Ukraine

Zelenskyy: What strengthens Israel's defence can work in Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has discussed the strengthening of air defence and Ukraine's NATO membership with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte and has called for joint air defence efforts, as in Israel.

Source: Zelenskyy’s address on 3 October

Quote: "It is equally necessary for all of us in Europe – Ukraine in the Alliance – not just for the sake of greater collective strength and not just because it’s fair and deserved for Ukrainians, but also because only with Ukraine’s full integration and our clear place in the Euro-Atlantic space can we effectively eliminate Russia’s old, criminal temptation to disrupt the European way of life. Geopolitical certainty for Ukraine and for the whole of Europe is of the utmost value. This is the solid foundation of peace – when there is no insufficiently secure place in Europe's security architecture."

Details: The president also stressed that Ukraine's air defence is no less important, along with real progress in the joint interception of Russian missiles and drones.
Zelenskyy further noted that Ukraine could adopt air defence systems similar to those currently used in Israel.

"We see that one of the main reasons for the security deficit in the skies of Ukraine, and in particular near the borders of NATO, our neighbours, is the lack of decisions on joint operations and joint defence. What works in the skies of the Middle East and helps Israel's defence can work just as well in the skies of our part of Europe – in Ukraine – helping to save lives. There are specific technical solutions and fully effective tactics for this," the president said.

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