Main / Military aid / Ukraine was provided with $30 billion worth of weapons for a counteroffensive

Ukraine was provided with $30 billion worth of weapons for a counteroffensive

Ukraine was provided with $30 billion worth of weapons for a counteroffensive

The value of the military equipment transferred to the Ukrainian military since December last year exceeds the annual expenditures of any NATO member state, with the exception of the United States. However, the question of whether this equipment is sufficient remains open.

Ukraine has received military equipment worth more than $30 billion for a potential counteroffensive.

This information is provided by Bloomberg.

As noted, to succeed, Ukraine needs to conduct a complex operation without air dominance. It is important to coordinate the actions of infantry, armored vehicles, engineers and air defense to make optimal use of the weapons received, including more than 200 tanks, 300 infantry fighting vehicles, and more.

At the same time, the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine emphasize the need to increase the volume of weapons, including air defense systems and long-range missiles.

"There is no army that believes that it has enough weapons to fulfill its tasks. This is typical of the military," comments former US Navy Colonel Mark Kankian, who is now a consultant at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Meanwhile, military analysts believe that Ukraine's future on the battlefield will depend on factors that go far beyond weapons alone, such as training, intelligence, and the ability to repel Russian air superiority.

Bloomberg analysts suggest that the counteroffensive will likely be centered in the southern part of Ukraine. In order to break through Russia's multi-layered defenses, special engineering equipment for demining, neutralizing trenches and destroying bunkers is needed, which has already been provided by the allies.

The West has also provided Ukraine with hundreds of trucks and armored personnel carriers needed to quickly move heavy armored vehicles to their destinations.

It is not yet known whether Russia has enough troops to man the defense of the temporarily occupied south of Ukraine. If the number of occupation forces in the south is insufficient, they will have to guess where the Ukrainians will strike, which could give Kyiv an opportunity to surprise the Russians and outflank them.

Western media continue to discuss a possible Ukrainian counteroffensive. Representatives of the Ukrainian government are constantly asked about it. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the country needs more time to launch a counteroffensive, as the military is waiting for the delivery of promised military equipment.

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