Main / Politics / US must lead Ukraine to victory, - Nancy Pelosi

US must lead Ukraine to victory, - Nancy Pelosi

US must lead Ukraine to victory, - Nancy Pelosi

The United States must help Ukraine achieve victory - for the sake of the Ukrainian and American people, Pelosi says The former Speaker of the House of Representatives believes that the US support for Ukraine will continue.

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has expressed her belief that America should actively help Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. The Democratic politician hopes that support will continue to be bilateral and bicameral.

"We have to win. We have to bring this to a successful conclusion for the sake of the people of Ukraine and our country. There is a confrontation between democracy and autocracy in the world today, and Ukraine is one of their manifestations," - Pelosi said.

Despite the Republican majority in the new House of Representatives, she is confident that Washington will continue to support Kyiv as part of its broader commitment to democracy.

"Support for Ukraine is bipartisan and bicameral, spanning both houses of Congress and both parties, and the American people support democracy in Ukraine. I believe that we will continue to support (Ukraine - ed.) as long as it takes to support democracy... as long as it takes to win," - added the former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Ukraine continues to fight for its sovereignty and territorial integrity against Russian aggression that began in 2014. The United States and other Western countries have provided assistance to Ukraine in various forms, including military, economic, and political support. Many believe that this support should continue until Ukraine is able to regain control of its territories illegally annexed by Russia, and until peace is secured in eastern Ukraine, where the conflict with Russian militant groups continues.

It is also important to note that the bipartisan support for Ukraine in the U.S. Congress demonstrates the solidarity of the American people with the Ukrainian people in their struggle for democracy, freedom, and human rights. This underscores the importance of the continued active position of the United States and other Western countries in supporting Ukraine on its path to full restoration of its territorial integrity and peaceful coexistence with its neighbors.

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