Main / News / Russians hit Odesa Oblast with missiles and drones, killing woman

Russians hit Odesa Oblast with missiles and drones, killing woman

Russians hit Odesa Oblast with missiles and drones, killing woman

One person was killed and houses and cars were damaged as a result of a Russian attack on Odesa Oblast on the night of 25-26 September.

Source: Oleh Kiper, Head of Odesa Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Kiper: "Overnight the enemy attacked Odesa Oblast with missiles and drones... A 62-year-old woman was killed in a missile attack on Odesa district."

Details: Kiper added that buildings and cars were damaged in the oblast. Some dry grass also caught fire, but the fire has already been extinguished.

Kiper noted that Ukrainian air defence worked extremely hard to shoot down all the targets, and most of them were destroyed.

The morning drone attack resulted in no casualties.

"No significant damage to infrastructure was recorded. Law enforcement officers are documenting the consequences of yet another Russian crime against the civilian population of Odesa Oblast," Kiper concluded.

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