Main / News / Russians strike apartment buildings in Kharkiv, killing and wounding residents – photo

Russians strike apartment buildings in Kharkiv, killing and wounding residents – photo

Russians strike apartment buildings in Kharkiv, killing and wounding residents – photo

Russian guided aerial bombs struck residential buildings in Kharkiv's Kyivskyi and Saltivskyi districts, prompting the dispatch of rescue personnel.

Source: Ihor Terekhov, Mayor of Kharkiv, on Telegram; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Terekhov Quote: "The strikes have now rained on four administrative districts in Kharkiv. The necessary services collect information about the casualties and destruction. However, we can already see that residential areas of the city were bombed.

Unfortunately, there are deaths, according to early information that needs to be confirmed."

Quote: "The number of casualties has increased to five. People are under the rubble. One of the apartment buildings suffered a direct hit."

Details: According to preliminary reports, the Russians struck four districts of the city with guided aerial bombs, including an open area in Kyivskyi district. Blows also landed on residential buildings.

Information on casualties and destruction is being confirmed, rescue teams are operating at the sites. 

Kharkiv residents are advised to remain alert, as further attacks are still possible.

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