Main / Politics / Russia invites friends of Prigozhin to UN Security Council meeting

Russia invites friends of Prigozhin to UN Security Council meeting

Russia invites friends of Prigozhin to UN Security Council meeting

The meeting in the Arria format was convened by representatives of the Russian Federation allegedly because of the "persecution" of the UOC-MP in Ukraine.

Russia has convened an informal meeting in the Arria format in one of the halls of the UN Security Council - a meeting for "a frank exchange of views using a flexible procedural framework." Representatives of the aggressor state invited open henchmen of the leader of the Wagner PMC, Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, to discuss the fictitious topic of "persecution" of the UOC-MP in Ukraine.

This was reported by Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Sergiy Kyslytsya, on Twitter.

According to him, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov ordered Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzi to strengthen "the media presence of Pigozhin's henchmen-propagandists."

These are Mira Terada, director of the NGO Foundation for Combating Injustice, Archpriest Andriy Pavlenko of the UOC-MP, and Bishop Gideon (Kharon) of the UOC-MP.

Kyslytsia reminded that Gedeon was deported from Ukraine in 2019 and was previously considered the "rector" of the "MAF church" illegally built in the historic area near the Tithe Church in Kyiv. 

Now [he] prays 'for the Russian army', as seen on January 7, 2023 in Russia - Gideon (left) with Kirill, Metropolitan of Tatarstan," he wrote, posting the corresponding photo.

Among those invited is Mira Terada (until 2017 - Oksana Vovk), who was once imprisoned in the United States for money laundering. She made a deal with the investigation to avoid drug charges.

"Now she is Prigozhin's personal propagandist and the head of the so-called 'Foundation for Combating Injustice' created by the Wagner leader. She was awarded the orders of the 'Luhansk People's Republic'," Kyslytsya reminded.

Another invitee is a former priest of the UOC-MP in Donbas and a Russian spy, Andriy Pavlenko. Kyslytsya reminded that he informed the Russians about the location of the Ukrainian army and the names of pro-Ukrainian activists in Donbas. 

"He was included in the exchange of prisoners, he was personally met by Prigozhin. Now he praises Prigozhin and the Wagner PMC in interviews," the Ukrainian Permanent Representative to the UN said.

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