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NATO's top general: Russia still has dangerous forces uninvolved in the war

NATO's top general: Russia still has dangerous forces uninvolved in the war

General Christopher Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, has stated that Russia has suffered significant losses in Ukraine but still possesses "dangerous combat forces" that have been almost unaffected by the war.

Source: European Pravda, citing Business Insider

Details: Cavoli emphasised that Russia still possesses forces that "have barely been affected" by the war, specifically referencing its long-range aircraft, strategic missile forces, defensive units and submarines. 

He also noted that a significant portion of Russia's tactical aviation has yet to engage in the war. 

Quote: "So while there have been significant, significant losses in the ground domain, in the rest of the military structure of Russia, there remains a huge amount of capability – both conventional and nuclear – and so it's necessary to keep that in mind," Cavoli stated. 

He highlighted that Russia's ground forces have suffered significant losses during the fighting in Ukraine, but Moscow has made notable strides in their recovery. 

Quote: "The military force – the ground force – inside Ukraine today is significantly larger than the ground force that was there in the beginning of the war so the Russian army has actually grown during this period," he explained. 

Cavoli added that while there are current challenges regarding the quality of some equipment, which may not be the latest, Russia has a plan to restore its ground forces and deploy them at NATO's borders. He urged the Alliance to take this situation very seriously.


  • Recently, Cavoli stated that regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, the Russian army will emerge stronger than it is today. 
  • US Army Lieutenant General Charles Constanza believes that the Russian military, while fighting against Ukraine’s defence forces trained and equipped by other countries, is honing its ability to combat the West in the future.
  • Additionally, it has been reported that, at the request of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a project has been developed aimed at gradually establishing a fully-fledged intelligence agency within the EU. This initiative seeks to enhance the EU's ability to counter threats from foreign entities and respond to espionage within its borders.

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