Main / News / Germany's Rheinmetall hands over 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine

Germany's Rheinmetall hands over 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine

Germany's Rheinmetall hands over 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine

The German company Rheinmetall has supplied Ukraine with an additional 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), with the delivery completed at the end of the third quarter of 2024.

Source: press service for Rheinmetall, as reported by European Pravda

Details: The company's press service reported that the total number of combat vehicles sent to Ukraine under what's known as ring exchange (Ringtausch) will reach about 200 units.

More than a hundred of them are Marder 1A3 models.

These combat vehicles sent to Ukraine are equipped with a modern laser rangefinder, which allows for greater accuracy in hitting targets on the battlefield.

This device significantly improves the ability of the vehicles to effectively counter enemy offensives, giving Ukrainian troops an additional technological advantage.

Notably, the ring exchange deal also envisages plans to deliver additional equipment, particularly a double-digit number of Marder IFVs and Leopard main battle tanks.

The latest batch of 20 Marder IFVs supplied to Ukraine was ordered by the German government and funded at a mid-double-digit million-euro amount.

Rheinmetall initially received an order to supply these IFVs in March 2023, delivering the first 20 units to Ukraine at that time.


  • Recently, reports indicated that Germany, together with three other NATO countries, is preparing a large military aid package for Ukraine worth €1.4 billion, which is expected to be delivered by the end of 2024.
  • On 17 October, the German government reported on the transfer of another batch of military aid to Ukraine, which included additional ammunition for the Leopard 1, Leopard 2, and Marder armoured vehicles.

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