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When the war is over: Kissinger voiced the timing

When the war is over: Kissinger voiced the timing

Kissinger foresees talks between Russia and Ukraine as early as this year.

Russia's war against Ukraine is approaching a "turning point," and negotiations could take place as early as the end of the year.

This opinion was expressed by former US Secretary of State (1973-1977), political scientist, one of the most influential geostrategists of the United States Henry Kissinger in an interview with CBS News.

"Now that China has entered the negotiations, I think they will reach a climax by the end of the year," he said, "We will be talking about negotiation processes and even real negotiations.

Kissinger also commented on the threat of a war between China and Taiwan, which could escalate into a global conflict between Washington and Beijing. In his opinion, if China attacks Taiwan, the United States will defend the island, which could escalate into a general war between the two countries.

"So we have a problem that could escalate into a general war between two high-tech countries. This is something that requires urgent attention. This is a very dangerous period," said the "veteran" of American foreign policy.

Who is Henry Kissinger and what is his attitude towards Ukraine? It should be noted that Henry Kissinger is the creator and ideologist of the policy of defusing international tensions with the USSR. He participated in many negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union.

He has been repeatedly criticized for his excessive favoritism toward the USSR, and then the Russian Federation. In particular, in 2008, Kissinger opposed Ukraine's accession to NATO and stated that Ukraine should remain in a sphere "that the Russians consider to be the space of their own identity."

On May 26, 2022, at the Davos Economic Forum, Kissinger advised Ukraine to give up some of its territories to Russia, which caused a wave of criticism, including from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

However, in July 2022, he changed his mind and said that Ukraine should not give up its territories. On August 13, 2022, Kissinger admitted that he had made a mistake when he did not support Kyiv's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and added that Ukraine should be treated as a NATO country.

When the war is over: 
Kissinger, like most analysts, believes that Russia will not have the resources for another year of war and will be forced to call for negotiations even more actively, and even make significant concessions, to end the war before the economy reaches a critical state.

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