Main / News / Ukrainian defenders hit Russian Buk-M3 air defence system 60 km from line of contact

Ukrainian defenders hit Russian Buk-M3 air defence system 60 km from line of contact

Ukrainian defenders hit Russian Buk-M3 air defence system 60 km from line of contact

The Ukrainian defence forces have destroyed a Russian Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile system, which was located 60 kilometres from the line of contact. Its cost is estimated at US$40-50 million.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Quote: "Units of the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in cooperation with other units of the Ukrainian defence forces, hit a Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile system as part of the tasks of detecting and destroying enemy air defence systems on the night of 20-21 October." 

Details: The system was located about 60 kilometres from the line of contact. Depending on the exact model, its cost can range from US$40 to US$50 million.

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