Main / Politics / Zelensky says he is ready to meet with Brazilian President

Zelensky says he is ready to meet with Brazilian President

Zelensky says he is ready to meet with Brazilian President

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed readiness to communicate with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Zelensky even emphasized that it is "important for him to have a conversation" with the head of Brazil. This comment was made by the President of Ukraine during a conversation with representatives of the Latin American media.

"It would not be the first time I have officially and unofficially, through intermediaries, the media or directly told President Lula that I am interested in meeting", he said.

According to Zelensky, he has already made an offer to the Brazilian president to organize a meeting in any form and even opened the door for him to visit Ukraine during his stay in Europe.

"After that, I had meetings at the G7. Some people claimed that we could not find (free time - Ed.). This is a myth... Something did not work out at the G7..., but it was definitely not because of us," Zelensky clarifies.

The President of Ukraine emphasized the importance of Brazil being represented at the peace summit in July: "Brazil may have its own views on a certain security bloc, on a certain direction of the peace formula. This is normal, because we are in communication, we are civilized people and we have to discuss it. But in order to talk, you need a desire".

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he was ready to personally visit Latin America to meet with the leaders of these countries. Zelensky noted that he had addressed such proposals to the leaders of Latin American states.

"If you are not able to come to us, then there is nothing wrong. I am a simple man, I have no crown, and I will come to you. Let's discuss our next steps and how we can politically influence Russia if you can't provide us with weapons," he said.

As a reminder, on the eve of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Silva announced that there was a possibility of a meeting with Zelensky. However, the presidents failed to hold talks. It was noted that the reason was the difference in schedules;

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