Main / News / Cargo plane with Russians on board shot down in Sudan – Russian media, photos

Cargo plane with Russians on board shot down in Sudan – Russian media, photos

Cargo plane with Russians on board shot down in Sudan – Russian media, photos

A cargo plane from the UAE with part of the crew reportedly being Russian was accidentally shot down in Sudan, where a civil war is ongoing. 

Source: Russian propaganda media agencies TASS and RBC; Sudan War Monitor

Details: As reported by media, the plane was mistakenly shot down by the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces in Darfur, Sudan’s west, where fighting continues between them and the regular armed forces. Videos from the site of the possible crash have surfaced on social media.

Sudan War Monitor published photos of documents that belonged to the pilots, found at the crash site. One of the pilots had a Russian passport, while another had an ID card identifying him as the chief engineer of Airline Transport Incorporation FZC, a UAE-based company connected to Kyrgyzstan. The ID also mentions Manas International Airport, the main international airport in Kyrgyzstan.

The Russian embassy in Sudan confirmed the crash of the cargo plane, likely with Russian citizens on board, but did not provide further details.

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