Main / News / Poland's Foreign Minister considers expelling Russian ambassador from country

Poland's Foreign Minister considers expelling Russian ambassador from country

Poland's Foreign Minister considers expelling Russian ambassador from country

Poland's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, has not ruled out the possibility of expelling the Russian ambassador in response to Russian acts of sabotage.

Source: Sikorski during a broadcast on TVP Info, reported by European Pravda

Details: The minister stated that Russia was conducting a hybrid war against Poland, which included disinformation campaigns, cyberattacks on institutions and companies, illegal border crossings, and sabotage activities throughout the country.

Sikorski reiterated that Warsaw has already imposed restrictions on the movements of Russian diplomats to make it difficult for them to engage in activities incompatible with their diplomatic status.

Quote: "If we expel their ambassador, they will certainly do the same. This hasn't happened yet, but if the sabotage continues, it cannot be ruled out," Sikorski added.

The Polish minister expressed hope that Russia will reconsider its actions and that Poland's firm response will halt further hybrid warfare activities.

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