Main / News / Russians launch missile attack on Dnipro: three people injured

Russians launch missile attack on Dnipro: three people injured

Russians launch missile attack on Dnipro: three people injured

Russian forces launched a missile attack on Dnipro on the evening of 25 October, damaging residential buildings in the city and injuring several people.

Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration

Quote: "Missile attack on Dnipro. Residential buildings have been damaged. There was a fire. We are investigating the details.

Please stay in shelters until the all clear is given. Take care of yourselves."
Update: The Oblast Military Administration later reported that three people were injured in Dnipro.

Two men were taken to hospital. One of them is in a serious condition. An injured woman was provided with assistance at the scene.


  • On the evening of 25 October, the Russian military launched attack drones from the north. The attack caused a fire to break out in one of the apartments in a residential building in Kyiv.
  • Russian forces launched missile attacks on infrastructure in the cities of Sumy and Konotop, in Ukraine’s northeast, late on 25 October.

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