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Russian attacks kill 3 civilians in Donetsk Oblast

Russian attacks kill 3 civilians in Donetsk Oblast

Three civilians were killed in Russian attacks on Donetsk Oblast on 22 October. 

Source: Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Filashkin: "On 22 October, the Russians killed three residents of Donetsk Oblast: two in Oleksandro-Kalynove and one in Riznykivka. Seven other people were injured in the oblast during the day."

Details: In total, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russians have killed 2,831 civilians in Donetsk Oblast and injured 6,329 more.

Filashkin stressed that these figures do not include the casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

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