Main / News / Russia strikes high-rise building in Myrnohrad with guided bomb: one dead and several injured – photos

Russia strikes high-rise building in Myrnohrad with guided bomb: one dead and several injured – photos

Russia strikes high-rise building in Myrnohrad with guided bomb: one dead and several injured – photos

Russian forces dropped a guided bomb, KAB-250, on a five-story building in Myrnohrad, Donetsk Oblast, on the morning of 22 October. Currently, one person is reported dead and two others injured.

Source: Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Details: Filashkin reported that the strike caused varying degrees of damage to seven other buildings.

At present, the search and rescue operation has been temporarily suspended due to the ongoing security threats.

Filashkin urged all civilians not involved in critical infrastructure work to evacuate to safer areas.

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