Main / OSINT / Russia deploys bombers to the border with Norway and Finland

Russia deploys bombers to the border with Norway and Finland

Russia deploys bombers to the border with Norway and Finland

The Russian Federation has deployed the maximum number of strategic bombers to the border with Norway and Finland since February 24, 2022. They are capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

This was reported by The Barents Observer.

The publication reported that Russian aviation is based at the Olenya air base in the Murmansk region. The satellite image, which was taken on May 7 at the airfield, shows two Tu-160s and Tu-22s, 14 Tu-95s, three An-22 transports (or An-12s), an Il-78 refueling plane, and three helicopters.

Both the Tu-160 and Tu-95 are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Russia's central storage facility for nuclear warheads, the Velykoye Ramozero, is located 10 kilometers from the Olenya air base.

It is from this airbase that Russian aircraft have recently been flying to attack Ukraine with cruise missiles. 

The planes can be taken into the air in the shortest possible time. This gives Norway and Finland a shorter warning to scramble fighter jets to detect flights near their airspace. In late April, NATO scrambled a pair of F-35 fighter jets to meet a group of seven Russian aircraft, including two Tu-160 bombers, flying over international airspace north of the Norwegian region of Finnmark.

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