Main / Politics / Putin should ask for mercy, and our response should be a tribunal - Zelenskyy

Putin should ask for mercy, and our response should be a tribunal - Zelenskyy

Putin should ask for mercy, and our response should be a tribunal - Zelenskyy

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed confidence that the Ukrainian formula for peace could become the German formula for peace, the European formula for peace, and the World formula for peace.

Russia is not interested in peace, the President emphasized. He added that there had been hundreds of rounds of negotiations between 2014 and 2022 in various formats with Russia after its occupation of our Crimean peninsula and the incitement of a hybrid war against Ukraine in Donbas. World leaders tried to prevent a catastrophe in their conversations with Putin, but the dictator chose the opposite.

- Putin is the catastrophe. Putin is aggression - he does not want anything else for himself and his people. His formula is death. How to talk to him? Throughout its long history, humanity has never known anyone who could negotiate with death. The one who brought death, the one who embarked on the path of genocide, the one who wants to destroy Europe, which we value, should ask for mercy, and our response should be a tribunal," the president said.

According to him, it is time to fix the power of unity by deciding on Ukraine's accession to the EU. He added that Europe cannot be perfect without Ukraine in the EU.

In addition, the President said that there is no rational reason why our soldiers, who are heroically and successfully fighting for our common freedom, are not yet in the same organization as all other NATO soldiers.

- Judging by the results of our actions, Ukraine is already in the bloc, but the de jure decision has not yet been made. This decision should be made, and an algorithm should be defined," Zelenskyy said.

"NATO flags next to the flags of Ukraine on our eastern border will be the lock that will keep Russian imperialism in the past forever. Zelensky emphasized that without control over Ukraine, Russian imperialism is dying.

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