Main / War in Ukraine / The order to blow up Kakhovka HPP was given personally by Putin - GUR

The order to blow up Kakhovka HPP was given personally by Putin - GUR

The order to blow up Kakhovka HPP was given personally by Putin - GUR

Russian invaders mined Kakhovka HPP immediately after its occupation, and the order to blow it up was given personally by dictator Vladimir Putin.

This opinion was expressed by the representative of the press service of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Andriy Yusov on the air of Radio NV.

"The occupants started mining the dam and hydroelectric power station almost immediately after the capture, fearing a counterattack by Ukrainian troops, preparing for various scenarios. They have been preparing this terrorist act for a very long time. And recently, the final decision was made to implement it," Yusov said.

The representative of the GUR expressed confidence that the decision to blow up the dam was made at the highest level.

"I am personally convinced that Vladimir Putin personally gave this order and this order, ", — he said.

Yusov said this is his personal opinion, and added that the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant is a terrorist attack that is commensurate with the order to start a full-scale war against Ukraine.

"No middle management or even any military leadership would take such responsibility, especially in a closed society under a dictatorship. This is a personal decision of the dictator, but the entire terrorist state is responsible," the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine representative emphasized.

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