Main / World / In Hawaii, a fisherman managed to fight off a shark that mistook his boat for a seal

In Hawaii, a fisherman managed to fight off a shark that mistook his boat for a seal

In Hawaii, a fisherman managed to fight off a shark that mistook his boat for a seal

The incident off the island of Oahu could have been mistaken for a collision with another vessel, the marine predator's attack was so fast. But the fisherman not only survived, but also continued his work.

Off the coast of one of the Hawaiian islands, Oahu, a huge tiger shark suddenly jumped out from under the water, directing its attack at the boat of a fisherman, Scott Haraguchi. The whole event was captured on camera, and the video was published on the Hawaii Nearshore Fishing YouTube channel.

The fisherman recalls that the attack was so sudden that it was as if another boat had crashed into him. Thanks to his experience, he was able to repel the attack and survive.

"I heard a sound that resembled the whistle of a non-motorized vessel approaching, looked up and saw a large brown mass," - he says.

"His first thought was: "A turtle!" But then he quickly realized it was a tiger shark.

In the video recorded with a GoPro camera, you can hear his words: "I was attacked by a tiger shark."

Haraguchi noted that the shark may have mistaken his kayak for a seal, as he noticed an injured seal after the attack.

Despite the terrifying incident, the fisherman decided to continue his activity.

Tiger sharks are one of the most dangerous marine predators, ranking second in the list of the most aggressive sharks after the white shark. Their attacks on humans occur with relatively high frequency.

A large number of shark attacks were recorded in the United States and Australia last year. Florida is considered the world's "capital" of shark attacks, with 16 unprovoked attacks by the fearsome marine predators last year.

According to global figures, 57 shark attacks were recorded in 2022. Many of these incidents resulted in amputations, and five fatalities were recorded.

Last August, a museum in Florida unveiled an interactive map that allows you to track shark attacks around the world.

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