Main / Politics / Iran will never get nuclear weapons - Blinken

Iran will never get nuclear weapons - Blinken

Iran will never get nuclear weapons - Blinken

The United States is ready to continue to take all possible steps to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, which threatens the security of the entire Middle East region.

This said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

During his speech at an event of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Blinken said that Tehran regularly threatens to wipe Israelis off the map, and the US commitment to defend Israel is unquestionable.

The head of the State Department said that Iran exports aggression throughout the Middle East region and provides drones to the Russian army, which uses them to kill Ukrainians, and Tehran receives high-tech weapons from Russia; /p>

"In this regard, Iran cannot and will not obtain nuclear weapons, and Washington is ready to use diplomacy along with economic pressure and deterrence. President Biden is considering all options to ensure that Iran does not get nuclear weapons," Blinken said.

It is also worth adding:

Indirect talks between Washington and Tehran to renew the 2015 nuclear deal, under which Iran curtailed its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions on its economy, have collapsed in recent months.
Israel and AIPAC were fierce opponents of the deal, which Trump unilaterally withdrew from in 2018.

Efforts to reinstate the pact, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), have been further complicated by the crackdown on anti-government protests in Iran and Washington's accusations that Tehran supplied Russia with drones that Moscow is using against Ukraine.

Iran denies that it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, and Israel is believed to have an undeclared nuclear arsenal. On Monday, Blinken said that if Tehran rejects the path of diplomacy, "all options are on the table" to make sure the country does not get such weapons.

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