Main / Ukraine / Address of the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

Address of the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

Address of the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

On May 8, we celebrate the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation. On this day, honoring the feat of the Ukrainian people and their outstanding contribution to the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition, we express our respect and gratitude to all fighters against Nazism.

Unfortunately, Ukraine is once again the epicenter of the confrontation with the aggressor. Today, we are defending not only ourselves, but the entire world at the cost of our lives. Having unleashed the war, the Nazis saw their imperial project as the end of "Ukrainian history." But they were faced with the unprecedented courage, dedication, and professionalism of our heroes on the battlefield, the iron endurance, competence, and determination of our commanders, and most importantly, the total and comprehensive resistance of the entire Ukrainian people. We are standing firm, fighting and living! The victory will be ours!

And we will take revenge for every missile and bomb, for every destroyed house, for the countless victims and suffering of children and mothers, for every crime committed in Ukraine! The Russian horde will drown in the blood of its soldiers on our Ukrainian land! For no army in the world can overcome a nation that has an undying will to live, unbreakable strength of spirit and a powerful, brave army!

Glory to the Ukrainian Heroes of all generations!
Glory to Ukraine!
Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Major General 
Major General Kyrylo Budanov

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