Main / Military aid / Hungary blocks €500 million arms tranche for Ukraine

Hungary blocks €500 million arms tranche for Ukraine

Hungary blocks €500 million arms tranche for Ukraine

Hungary suspends disbursement of the eighth tranche of the European Peace Fund (EPF) for weapons for Ukraine - ANSA reports

The ANSA news agency has reported that Hungary has suspended the disbursement of the eighth tranche of funds from the European Peace Fund (EPF) for weapons to Ukraine. This information was obtained from the agency's own source.

It is worth noting that the tranche amounted to 500 million euros and was scheduled to be paid on May 22.

According to the publication, Hungary allegedly demanded "guarantees" that the EPF will continue to have its "global" horizon in the future, and will not be used exclusively to provide Ukraine with weapons.

The fund usually returns 50% of the funds to member states that have provided Ukraine with weapons, but there is no set standard for such reimbursements.

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