Main / News / Russians strike Zaporizhzhia over 10 times: civilians injured, destruction reported – photos

Russians strike Zaporizhzhia over 10 times: civilians injured, destruction reported – photos

Russians strike Zaporizhzhia over 10 times: civilians injured, destruction reported – photos

On Sunday morning, Ivan Fedorov, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, reported a large-scale Russian attack on the city of Zaporizhzhia, which destroyed an apartment block, caused fires and left at least five people injured.

Source: Fedorov on Telegram

Quote: "The Russians are heavily bombarding Zaporizhzhia. They hit a residential area".

Details: Fedorov also noted that several fires had broken out in the city. An apartment block has been partially destroyed.

Early reports indicate that five people have been injured.

Later, Fedorov added that the Russians had delivered over ten strikes on Zaporizhzhia.

Quote: "An apartment block and houses have been destroyed.

People may be trapped under the rubble."

Background: On the morning of 29 September, explosions reportedly rocked Zaporizhzhia during an air raid.

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