Main / War in Ukraine / Russia complains to the UN about Budanov's "hate speech" about the murder of Russians

Russia complains to the UN about Budanov's "hate speech" about the murder of Russians

Russia complains to the UN about Budanov's "hate speech" about the murder of Russians

Russia's Permanent Mission to the UN complained about the words of the head of the GRU, Kirill Budanov, about "killing Russians anywhere in the world." The President's Office responded: "Ukraine hates you".

According to the Russian propaganda agency TASS, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya wrote a letter on May 10, a copy of which was distributed to other members of the Security Council.

In the letter, he complained about Budanov's "Russophobia" and about a poll on the Telegram channel of the UNIAN agency, which asked which Russians should be eliminated next after propagandist Daria Dugina.

On May 17, the Russian Permanent Mission to the United Nations said on Twitter that the United Nations leadership "practically did not react to the hate speech" of the head of Ukrainian intelligence and rejected all questions.

Commenting on Russia's "hysterical screaming," Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the OP, said that it was "a country of serial killers and will pay all its debts."

"Yes, Ukraine hates you. Yes, we will pursue you. Always and everywhere. Yes, there is no point in talking to you - you do not know modern human languages. Yes, Ukraine will get each of you, and it doesn't matter how - legally or physically," he wrote on Twitter.

According to him, war criminals do not have international law, cannot use the UN, and must "wait for their finest hour at the tribunal."

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