Main / Military aid / A historic decision: Switzerland authorized the supply of its weapons to Ukraine

A historic decision: Switzerland authorized the supply of its weapons to Ukraine

A historic decision: Switzerland authorized the supply of its weapons to Ukraine

Switzerland gives the green light to supply weapons to Ukraine.

This was reported by Euronews.

According to the source, two chambers of parliament, the National Council and the City Council, voted to amend the Law on Military Materials. This will make it possible to supply weapons to Ukraine in the future.

"Until now, weapons and ammunition purchased abroad could not be transferred to countries involved in armed conflicts," the newspaper writes.

Earlier, the head of Switzerland stated that the supplies are not yet being discussed. After all, the law states that the country has been neutral since 1815.

As a reminder, due to the legal situation, Switzerland previously refused to supply Germany with ammunition for the German Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft system.

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