Main / Politics / Due to the position of Hungary and Greece: The EU failed to agree on a new package of sanctions against Russia

Due to the position of Hungary and Greece: The EU failed to agree on a new package of sanctions against Russia

Due to the position of Hungary and Greece: The EU failed to agree on a new package of sanctions against Russia

On Wednesday, June 7, the ambassadors of the European Union failed to reach a political agreement on the introduction of the eleventh package of sanctions against Russia. The negotiations will continue next week.

Politico reports this with reference to four European diplomats.

The main problem is that Greece and Hungary oppose Ukraine's inclusion of some of their companies in the list of “war sponsors”.

Official Kyiv has previously compiled a list of such private companies. Athens and Budapest insist that some of them be removed from the list before they agree to endorse the new EU sanctions package.

In addition, several EU member states, such as Germany and France, are concerned about the ban on circumventing anti-Russian sanctions. They fear that this could damage diplomatic relations with certain states.

That is why the European Commission has already softened its initial proposals to take into account the concerns of EU members. We are talking about easing the punishment for third countries for helping Russia circumvent sanctions

One of the diplomats told the publication that this issue seems to be resolvable. According to the diplomats, the European Commission presented another version of the proposal for the 11th package of sanctions before Wednesday's meeting, but still failed to reach an agreement.

Now the ambassadors of the EU countries will discuss this proposal again at a meeting next Wednesday, June 14. They hope to reach an agreement.

– We are getting closer (to reaching an agreement, – Ed.), – said one of the diplomats, acknowledging that the EU Council meeting in late June could be the last deadline for approving the sanctions package.

As you know, the 11th package of sanctions against Russia will focus on combating the circumvention of previously imposed restrictions. It will include a new mechanism for potentially punishing countries outside the European Union that help the aggressor evade sanctions.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that the new package includes more than 90 foreign companies that help Russia circumvent restrictions.

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