Main / Military aid / Czech Republic may transfer L-159 fighters to Ukraine - Petr Pavel

Czech Republic may transfer L-159 fighters to Ukraine - Petr Pavel

Czech Republic may transfer L-159 fighters to Ukraine - Petr Pavel

The Czech Republic is considering giving Ukraine some of its L-159 fighter jets to support its planned counteroffensive, the country's president has said.

This was reported by SkyNews.

Prague is one of Kyiv's most staunch allies, providing billions of dollars worth of equipment, from ammunition to tanks.

The L-159 is a Czech light combat aircraft designed for air support of ground troops, reconnaissance, and partly for air combat missions.

"It is worth considering whether we could transfer our L-159 aircraft to Ukraine," said Petr Pavel.

"As direct combat support aircraft, [these planes] could also help Ukraine to a great extent in the counteroffensive."

Any decision on military shipments is up to the government.

Ukraine, which says its forces are waiting for better weather before launching a long-awaited counteroffensive, is calling on the allies to supply modern fighter jets.

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